VERBA handmade green glass with poetry in Latin from the "Carmina Burana" manuscript


HELIODORUS glass with poetry in Latin from the "Carmina Burana" manuscript.
It is a handmade lightweight, thin-walled green water-glass with the engraved inscription.
Glass is made after VERBA brand designer and owner Anna Fanigina's design.

The height of the glass is 11 cm.

Shipping by regular post is included in the price. Express shipping option for additional cost is available at checkout.

Rerum tanta novitas
in sollemni vere
et veris auctoritas
iubet nos gaudere.
vices prebet solitas;
et in tuo vere
fides est et probitas
tuum retinere.

All this rebirth
in spring’s festivity
and spring’s power
bids us to rejoice;
it shows us paths we know well,
and in your springtime
it is true and right
to keep what is yours.

Сколько всего возрождается
на празднестве весны
и власти её,
и предлагает нам возрадоваться,
она открывает нам знакомые пути,
и в вашей жизни
это истинно и правильно,
чтобы остаться самим собой.

Šāda lietu atjaunotne
Cildenajā pavasarī,
Un pavasara spēks
Pavēl mums priecāties.
Tas sniedz ierastās pārmaiņas;
Un tavā pavasarī
[Tev] ir ticība un arī godprātība,
Lai noturētu to, kas tavs.
